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NEP & Art Integration In Classrooms Today!


The art forms prescribed by NEP 2020 include drawing & painting, paper crafts, puppetry, sculpting, photography, performing arts etc.  And Photography as a skill and visual art form has some very unique benefits:

  • Boosts self-confidence and self-esteem that comes with learning a new skill
  • Encourages creative thinking
  • Aids in processing their emotions and self-expression
  • Visual art activities help develop fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination
  • Uplifts mood and increases happiness

Explore In-School Workshops

Explore Photo Walks

Explore Photo Tours

About The Mentor

Priya Goswami

I understand how important it is to find the right teacher/mentor to introduce new art forms to kids.

Hello, I’m Priya Goswami, a professional kids and family portraits photographer based out of Delhi, India. I’ve witnessed the incredible energy and boundless creativity that kids possess firsthand and it never fails to amaze me. Therefore, I have especially curated these fun and engaging programs like photography workshops, walks & tours for kids.

Photography can be a powerful tool for self expression and such programs are aimed to give the kids a chance to explore the world around through their inquisitive eye and find their own self-expression – something that can be nurtured at a young age to enhance that creative side of children.